The Avengers, Earth’s Mightiest Heroes! A band of exceptional beings come together, in our time of greatest need, to fight the evil that no single hero could handle on their own. The movie event team-up, over seven years in the making, bringing six heroes together (seven if you count Hulk twice) to save the world.
Rigas' Blog-0-Matic™ is the fantastic place for reviews, rants and whatever else pass through my noggin.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Marvel's Avengers Review
The Avengers, Earth’s Mightiest Heroes! A band of exceptional beings come together, in our time of greatest need, to fight the evil that no single hero could handle on their own. The movie event team-up, over seven years in the making, bringing six heroes together (seven if you count Hulk twice) to save the world.
Monday, April 9, 2012
From the Vaults: Hunter Killer
Let' start out with a little background, I have been wanting to watch this for a long time, but could never find the DVD when I was looking for it, but thankfully due the psychic nature that is Netflix's suggestions It popped up. This a interesting little movie, filmed in the Mexican desert over a seventeen day period, with a shoestring budget. The end result looks amazing and unless you knew it was a "small time" indie production you wouldn't be ridiculed for thinking it might be something from the Expanded Universe or even sandwiched into the Firefly universe somewhere. This incredibly polished production is a shining example that high quality sci-fi ( or non sci-fi) productions don't need millions of dollars, thousands of people, buckets of CG or need to come from "Hollywood"
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
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